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Teacher Training FAQ
YOGA PHILOSOPHY- Apply yoga philosophy and history to yoga instruction - Develop and apply awareness of specific pranayama to yoga instruction - Provide advice to clients on the steps of meditation - Utilise a broad knowledge of yoga philosophy and history in yoga planning and programing
GROUP YOGA TRAINING- Develop a broad knowledge of yoga asana and adjustments - Instruct Surya Namaskar, standing, balancing, backbending, twisting, forward bending, hip opening and inversion postures - Apply safe sequencing, teaching method, adjustments and assists for Surya Namaskar, standing, balancing, backbending, twisting, forward bending, hip opening, inversion and savasana - Instruct and monitor yoga programs - Plan and deliver group yoga sessions - Deliver approved community yoga programs
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGYApply anatomy and physiology principles in a yoga context
EXERCISE PROGRAMMING- Plan and deliver yoga programs - Plan and deliver an athlete-specific yoga program - Undertake long term yoga programing - Apply exercise science principles to planning yoga exercise - Plan and deliver personal yoga training
SPECIAL POPULATIONS- Develop and apply an awareness of specific populations to yoga delivery - Plan and deliver yoga to older clients with managed conditions - Work collaboratively with medical and allied health professionals - Interact effectively with children - Plan and deliver exercise to apparently healthy children and adolescents
CLIENT SCREENING- Provide yoga orientation and health screening - Undertake client health assessment - Apply motivational psychology to provide guidance on yogic behaviour and change to meet health and wellness goals - Undertake appraisals of functional movement
BUSINESS SKILLS- Marketing small yoga business - Undertake small yoga business planning - Plan a home-based yoga business - Plan small yoga business finances
NUTRITION- Provide healthy eating information to clients in accordance with recommended guidelines - Plan and deliver yoga programs to support desired body composition outcomes

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